October 23, 2017Guest Lecture: The Thirteenth Fourteenth Century Encounter of Chinese Tiantai and Japanese TendaiPaul Groner (University of Virginia). 5 pm, Monday, October 23, 2017. UBC, Asian Centre, Room 604.
November 22, 2017Guest Lecture: Reflections on Self-Immolation in Chinese Buddhist and Daoist TraditionsJimmy Yu (Florida State University). 4 pm, Wednesday, November 22, 2017. UBC, Asian Centre, Room 604.
January 8, 2018Tianzhu ScholarsProfile of Tianzhu-SSHRC Scholars We are pleased to announce that the following scholars have received Tianzhu-SSHRC funding to come to UBC. Competitive fellowships were awarded to Maggie […]