21 11 月, 2018Guest Lecture: The Life-world of Chinese Buddhism: Temple-Town Relationship and Everyday Life in the Area South of the Yangtze RiverVENUE CHANGE! Tang Zhongmao (East China Normal University). 3:30 pm, Wednesday, November 21, 2018. UBC Asian Library, Room 506.
16 1 月, 2019Tianzhu Book Prize Nomination 2019Nomination application has been extended to June 30, 2019. Please use Tianzhu Book Prize Nomination Form for submission.
7 2 月, 2019Guest Lecture: The Construction of Modern Chinese Buddha and Taoist Identity 现代中国佛、道教徒身份的建构He Jianming (Renmin University of China). 1:30 pm–3:30 pm, Thursday, February 7, 2019. Salle 475C – l’UFR LCAO, Université Paris Diderot.