4 10 月, 2017Guest Lecture: Infinite Interfusion: The Visible and the Invisible in Liao PagodasYoun-mi Kim (Ewha Womans University). 5:30 pm, Wednesday, October 4, 2017. Harvard University, CGIS Knafel K262.
15 10 月, 2017Symposium on “‘8 Brokens’ Rediscovered: Painted Collage from China, ca. 1900” at Museum of Fine Arts10 am–5 pm, Friday, October 15, 2017. Museum of Fine Arts Boston.
18 10 月, 2017Guest Lecture: From Mandala to Palace: Transforming Space and Site at Qutan MonasteryAurelia Campbell (Boston College). 5 pm, Wednesday, October 18, 2017. Harvard University, CGIS South Room S250.