Harvard University, May 17, 2019
Schedule | Abstracts & Bios |
Time: 9:30 AM–6:00 PM
Location: Sackler Building, Room 427
Organizers: Harvard HAA (Department of History of Art + Architecture), and CAMLab (Chinese Arts Media Lab)
“Chinese optics” is the first of a series of workshops organized by Harvard CAMLab. It explores ways of constructing optical experience in Chinese art and culture, past and present. It seeks inter-disciplinary perspectives drawing on arts, sciences, and technology. Central issues to be explored include the relationship between eye and hand, the Chinese construct of huan 幻 that is not to be reduced to mere perspectival illusionism, the mediation of technological apparatuses in visual experiences, the relationship between media properties and cultural-historical experiences, and more.
Participants include:
- Anne Feng (Boston University), “Crystalline Visions in Medieval China”
- Chenchen Lu (Harvard University), “The Flower in the Mirror: A Mode of Vision in Medieval China”
- Jennifer Purtle (University of Toronto), “Optics and the Mathematics of Space in Song China”
- Heping Liu (Wellesley College), “Shuhua: How Chinese Painting Lost its Optical Magic in the Eleventh Century”
- Kristina Kleughen (Washington University, St. Louis), “Articulating Vision in Imperial China”
- Hui Zou (University of Florida), “The Atmospheric Perception in Chinese Architecture”
- Bing Huang (Providence College), “The Armillary in the Boudoir: What Was It Doing There?”
- Kaijun Chen (Brown University), “Mirror Stage: Reflection of Early Modern Desire in China”
- Daisy Y. Wang (Peabody Essex Museum), “Imperial Optics: New Perspectives on Qing Court Photographic Portraiture”
- Stephanie Tung (Peabody Essex Museum), “Clarity and Blurriness: Theories of Vision in Republican Era Photography”
Download the conference poster here.
Visit the original posting here.