Chinese National Academy of Arts
- April-December 2018. University of British Columbia

Jia TANG 唐嘉, PhD. Renmin University of China (2010); Postdoctoral Fellow, School of Chinese Language and Literature, Beijing Normal University(2010-2013); Research Associate, Chinese National Academy of Arts (2013-). Her previously published books include A Study of Buddhist Nuns’ beliefs During the Dong-Jin, Song, Qi, Liang and Chen Dynasties東晉宋齊梁陳比丘尼研究( Sichuan: Bashu Press巴蜀書社, 2011), Buddhist Women in the Wei, Jin, Southern and Northern Dynasties 魏晉南北朝女性佛教信仰研究(Co-authored with Luping Wang, Beijing: CITIC Publishing House中信出版社, 2017), and An Essential Study of Buddhist Ge-yi: Taking Daśasahasrika-Prajñāpāramitā Sūtra as an Example《道行般若經》“格義”研究 (Beijing: Shidaihuawen Press時代華文書局, 2018). Dr. Tang works primarily in the area of medieval Chinese Buddhism, Chinese philosophy, Chinese literature , Buddhist literature studies, gender studies.
While visiting UBC, Tang Jia delivered a lecture titled “What is Buddhist Ge-yi”.