We are pleased to announce the release of the special open access issue “Buddhism and Technology” in the Journal of the Japanese Association for Digital Humanities. This issue collects papers presented at the international conference “Buddhism & Technology: Historical Background and Contemporary Challenges” that was hosted at the University of British Columbia September 20-22, 2019.
For more information, please visit https://www.jstage.jst.go.jp/browse/jjadh/spenum/5/2/_contents/-char/en
Articles included in this special issue:
- Introduction
- Jessica Marie Falcone
No-longer-places in Virtual Worlds: The Precarity and Impermanence of Digital Religious Places through a Buddhist Lens - Beverley McGuire
Buddhist-inspired Self-tracking Apps: Tracking Emotions and Values in a Digital Era - Stuart Ray Sarbacker
Buddhist Meditation and the Ethics of Human Augmentation - Marcus Bingenheimer
On the Use of Historical Social Network Analysis in the Study of Chinese Buddhism: The Case of Dao’an, Huiyuan, and Kumārajīva - Sebastian Nehrdich
A Method for the Calculation of Parallel Passages for Buddhist Chinese Sources Based on Million-scale Nearest Neighbor Search
- Yu-Chun Wang
Word Segmentation for Classical Chinese Buddhist Literature