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International Conference: Esoteric Buddhism and East Asian Society
March 7-8, 2020 (2020年3月7-8日)
Venue 會場: St John’s College, the University of British Columbia, Vancouver, Canada | 加拿大溫哥華,英屬哥倫比亞大學聖約翰學院
Sponsor 主辦: The Tianzhu Global Network for the Study of Buddhist Cultures | 天柱國際佛教文化研究網絡
Co-sponsor協辦: Tzu Chi Foundation Canada | 加拿大慈濟基金會協辦
Host 承辦: The FROGBEAR project at the University of British Columbia | 加拿大英屬哥倫比亞大學《拔地入雲:佛教與東亞宗教研究計畫》
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Day I第1日March 7, 2020: Conference (Whole Day) 研討會 (全天)
8:00-9:00 Breakfast 早餐
9:00-9:15 Greetings from Prof. Jinhua Chen 陳金華教授 致歡迎詞
9:15-11:15 Panel 部會1: The Formation of Esoteric Scriptures and Rituals 密教經軌之形成 (Chair: Chen Jinhua 陳金華 主持)
1.1. (9:15-9:30) Lucia DOLCE (University of London 英國倫敦大學): A Chinese Tantric Scripture and Its Ritual Exegesis: The Yuqi jing 瑜祇經 and the Yogin Abhiseka 瑜祇灌頂
1.2. (9:30-9:45) Hiromitsu IKUMA 伊久間洋光 (Taishō University 日本大正大學):『如来秘密経』をめぐって——仏教史における位置付けの解明を中心に
1.3 (9:45-10:00) Nicholas Morrow WILLIAMS (University of Hong Kong 香港大學): Kūkai at Prayer: On the Religious and Literary Rhetoric of a Ganmon
Comment (10:00-10:15) George KEYWORTH 紀強 評議
Discussion (10:15-11:15) Open Floor 開放討論
11:30-13:00 Lunch Break 午餐
13:00-14:45 Panel 部會 2 Deity Worship and Art of Esoteric Buddhism密教神祇崇奉與藝術 (Chair: Zeng Yang 楊增)
2.1 (13:00-13:15) Elizabeth TINSLEY (UC Irvine美國加州大學爾灣分校): An Alternative Cultural History of Medieval Kōyasan Shingon: An introduction to an oracle transcription and what it reveals of esoteric art and worship [online]
2.2. (13:15-13:30) HAMADA Tamami 濱田瑞美 (Yokohama University of Art and Design 横浜美術大學): 論千手千眼觀音變中出現的如意輪觀音和不空羂索觀音——以大悲心陀羅尼的念誦為綫索 [online]
2.3. (13:30-13:45) KIM Younmi 金延美 (Ewha Womans University 韓國梨花女子大學): The Uṣṇīṣavijayā Dhāraṇī and Pagodas of the Liao Dynasty (917–1125) [online]
2.4. (13:45-14:00) KIM Jiyun 金知妍 (Dongguk University 東國大學): The Interpretation of the Unique Mantra of the Shi Moheyan Lun 釋摩訶衍論 in China and Japan [online]
Comment (14:00-14:15) SHEN Weirong 沈衛榮 評議
Discussion (14:15-15:30) Open Floor 開放討論
15:30-15:45 Tea/Coffee Break 茶歇
15:45-18:15 Panel 部會3: Manuscripts of Esoteric Buddhism 密教經軌寫本研究 (Chair: KIM Younmi 金延美主持)
3.1. (15:45-16:00) Amanda GOODMAN (University of Toronto 加拿大多倫多大學): The Five Buddha Crown Consecration at Dunhuang: Textual and Visual Evidence
3.2. (16:00-16:15) George KEYWORTH 紀強 (University of Saskatchewan 加拿大薩斯喀徹溫大學): On Ritual Practices with Exoteric Buddhist Scriptures (Kengyō 顕経) from Amanosan Kongōji 天野山金剛寺, Shinpukuji 真福寺, and Shōmyōji 称名寺
3.3. (16:15-16:30) HOU Chong 侯沖 (Shanghai Normal University 上海師範大學): 敦煌不孤——以“一行禪師設地燈”等爲例 | Discoveries in Yunnan as Elaboration of Dunhuang Yishu——Taking a Few Examples Including Zen Master Yixing’s Building Earth-wheel Lamp [online]
3.4. (16:30-16:45) ZHAO Xiaoxing 趙曉星 (Dunhuang Academy 敦煌研究院): 敦煌本《金有陀羅尼經》研究——中唐敦煌密教文獻研究之六 A Study on the Dunhuang Version of Jinyou Tuoluoni Jing: Researches of Middle Tang Esoteric Buddhist Texts (Ⅵ) [online]
3.5. (16:45-17:00) SAERJI 薩爾吉 (Peking University 北京大學): 新見國家圖書館藏藏文密教儀軌殘葉研究 [online]
Comment (17:00-17:15) Zeng YANG 楊增
Discussion (17:15-18:15) Open Floor 開放討論
18:15-20:00 Dinner 晚宴
Day II 第2日March 8, 2020: Conference (Whole Day) 研討會 (全天)
8:00-9:00 Breakfast
9:00-11:00 Panel 部會4: The Development of Theories and Practices in Esoteric Buddhism密教思想、修法之發展 (Chair: Elizabeth Tinsley 主持)
4.1. (9:00-9:15) LI Zijie 李子捷 (SOAS University of London 倫敦大學亞非學院): Kūkai and Saichō’s Theories on Gotra (種性) [online]
4.2. (9:15-9:30) KAMEYAMA Takahiko 亀山隆彦 (Ryukoku University 龍谷大學): Visions of Yoga: Development of the Five Viscera Mandala in Japanese Esoteric Buddhism
4.3 (9:30-9:45) ABÉ Yasurō 阿部泰郎 (University of Nagoya 日本名古屋大學): 中世日本における五蔵曼荼羅思想の形成と展開
4.4 (9:45-10:00) Pamela D. WINFIELD (Elon University 美國伊隆大學): Repositioning Power in Japan: Mandala Installation and the Reading of Empowered Space
Comment (10:00-10:15) David QUINTER 評議
Discussion (10:15-11:15) Open Floor 開放討論
11:30-13:15 Lunch Break 午餐
13:15-15:00 Panel 部會5: The Development of Esoteric Traditions 諸方密教之開展 (Chair: Steven TRENSON評議)
5.1 (13:15-13:30) IWASAKI Hideo 岩崎日出男 (Sonoda Women’s University 園田学園女子大学): 恵果阿闍梨の胎蔵法付法の弟子・辨弘について―特に辨弘の「辨」の字の表記について(惠果阿闍梨胎藏法付法弟子辨弘考―以考证辨弘的“辨”字为主)
5.2 (13:30-13:45) David QUINTER (University of Alberta 加拿大阿爾伯塔大學): Eison and the Cult of Founders in Medieval Japan: On the Construction of Narrative and Material Selves
5.3 (13:45-14:00) SHEN Weirong 沈衛榮 (Tsinghua University 清華大學): 論西夏時代漢藏二種密教傳統的傳播與合流 [online]
Comment (14:00-14:15) Lucia Dolce 主持
Discussion (14:15-15:15) Open Floor 開放討論
15:15-15:30 Tea/Coffee Break 茶歇
15:30-17:30 Panel 部會 6: Relic, Stupa, and Space for Esoteric Practices舍利、佛塔與密法道場 (Chair: Amanda GOODMAN 主持)
6.1. (15:30-15:45) Steven TRENSON (Waseda University 日本早稻田大學): Relic, Ritual, and Enlightenment: The Establishment of Jewel Rituals in Medieval Shingon Buddhism and the Role of Relics in the Realization of Bodily Buddhahood
6.2. (15:45-16:00) XIE Jisheng 謝繼勝 (University of Zhejiang 浙江大學): 甘青川滇地區敦煌胎藏界密教圖像傳播路徑考察 [online]
6.3. (16:00-16:15) ZHANG Shubin 張書彬 (China Academy of Art 中國美術學院): “文殊六字菩薩一鋪九身”考——兼論不空與大興善寺文殊閣的壁畫繪製 | A Study on the Amoghavajra and the Mural Painting of the Manjusri Pavilion in Da XingShan Temple [online]
6.4. (16:15-16:30) Neil SCHMID (Dunhuang Academy 敦煌研究院): The Dome of Heaven: The Role of Esoteric Buddhism in the Construction of Mogao Stupas [online]
6.4. (16:30-16:45) DENG Qiyao 鄧啓耀 (Sun Yat-Sen University 中山大學): 《南詔中興畫傳》與佛教密宗傳入南詔核心區域的一次文化突變事件 [online]
Comment (16:45-17:00) Nicholas Morrow WILLIAMS 評議
Discussion (17:00-18:00) Open Floor 開放討論
18:00-18:30 Final Discussion & Concluding Remarks 最終討論並總結發言
18:30-20:00 Farewell Dinner 歡送晚餐