Têtes de Bouddha © L.H. Yang
The Center for Interdisciplinary Studies on Buddhism (CEIB – Inalco-EPHE-Collège de France) organized a one-day workshop at Inalco that aims at exploring the creative process of Buddhist image-making in Asia (Burma, China, Taiwan, Japan, and Tibet). It focuses on the anthropological and sociological aspects of the image makers’ profession and the rituals they are engaged in. It proposes to rethink about the role of artists and handicraft production in the current religious reconfigurations, and to examine the use of new manufacture technologies and its impact on Buddhist practices.
Workshop Program:
November 28, 2019
10h-10h30 – Claire Vidal (ULL2 / IAO)
10h30-11h –Alexandra de Mersan, INALCO / CASE
De la multiplication des Mahamuni en Birmanie
(The multiplication of Mahamuni in in Burma)
11h-11h30 – Claire Vidal (ULL2 / IAO)
Le village de Chongshan (Suzhou, Jiangsu). Spatialité de la création des bouddhas en Chine
(A Chongshan (Suzhou, Jiangsu) village: the spatiality of the creation of Buddhas in China)
11h30-12h –Fabienne Jagou (EFEO / IAO)
Les corps bouddhiques momifiés à Taïwan,
(The transformation of Buddhist bodies in Taiwan)
13h30-14h –Mary Picone (EHESS / CCJ)
Images de Bouddha et nouvelles formes de reliques
(Buddha’s images and the new forms of relics)
14h30-15h – Kunsang Namgyal Lama (membre associée au CEH)
La production d’images au bénéfice du défunt : les tsha tsha funéraires du monde tibétain
(Production of images for the benefit of the deceased: The tsha tsha funerals in Tibetan societies)
15h-15h30 – Christine Vial Kayser (ICP Paris / chercheure associée au CREOPS)
Le vocabulaire de l’art contemporain au service d’un bouddhisme aniconique
(The vocabulary of contemporary art in the service of aniconic Buddhism)
16h-16h30 – Presentation of the fieldwork by Marie Laureillard (ULL2 / IAO) et Ko Peiyi (doctorante UPN / LESC)
16h30-17h30 – Final Discussion
Coordinator: Claire Vidal – claire.vidal@ens-lyon.fr
Original post: http://www.inalco.fr/evenement/journee-etudes-corps-dieux-gestes-hommes-recherches-preliminaires-faiseurs-images
Workshop program: http://www.inalco.fr/sites/default/files/asset/document/aff_20191128_je_faiseurs-images-bouddhiques_programme.pdf