24 1 月, 2019Guest Lecture: The initial rise of Manjusri belief: centered on the “three biographies of Qing Liang mountain”Long Chen (Xinzhou Teachers University). 4:30pm, Thursday, January 24, 2019. UBC, Buchanan Building B, Room 302
30 1 月, 2019Guest Lecture: From the Upper Indus to the East Coast of China: On the Origin of the Pictorial Representation of the Lotus SūtraHaiyan Hu-von Hinüber (Peking University). 5 pm, Wednesday, January 30, 2019. UC Berkeley, 180 Doe Memorial Library.
7 2 月, 2019Guest Lecture: Chinese Animal GodsMeir Shahar (Tel Aviv University). 5 pm, Thursday, February 7, 2019. UC Berkeley, 3335 Dwinelle Hall.