Sakyamuni Buddha, Qinglong period, Qing dynasty
Speaker: Stuart Young (Bucknell University)
When: 10 am, Monday, May 28, 2018
Venue: Ghent University, Het Pand, Onderbergen 1, 9000 Gent
This lecture is part of Ghent Centre for Buddhist Studies Doctoral School Buddhism in Medieval Chinese Silk Culture.
This specialist course introduces Ph.D. students into the complex ways in which Buddhism in medieval China was defined by silk, focusing especially on Buddhist textual discourses concerning silk culture and how monastic adepts should or should not engage with silk.
About the Speaker:
Stuart H. Young (Ph.D., Princeton University) is Associate Professor of East Asian Religions and Chair of the Department of Religious Studies at Bucknell University in Lewisburg, Pennsylvania. He is author of Conceiving the Indian Buddhist Patriarchs in China and several articles concerning Buddhism and silk culture in medieval China. His research interests include intersections between Buddhism and indigenous traditions, religious biography, and Buddhist material culture.
Download the lecture poster here.
Watch the video of his lecture here.