Conceptuality and Nonconceptuality in Buddhist Philosophy Workshop
Time: Friday–Sunday, March 23–25, 2018
Venue: University of California at Berkeley, Toll Room, Alumni House
Supported by generous gifts from the Mind and Life Institute, from Ting Tsung and Wei Fong Chao, and from the Tianzhu Global Network for the Study of Buddhist Cultures.
Friday March 23: 4 pm to 7 pm
Evan Thompson (University of British Columbia), respondent: Dan Arnold
Birgit Kellner (Austrian Academy of Sciences), respondent: Jay Garfield
Robert Sharf (UC Berkeley), respondent: Koji Tanaka (Australian National University)
Saturday March 24: 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
Dan Arnold (University of Chicago), respondent: Bronwyn Finnigan (Australian National University)
Sonam Kachru (University of Virginia), respondent: Mark Siderits
Catherine Prueitt (George Mason University), respondent: Roy Tzohar
Saturday March 24: 2 pm to 6 pm
Mark Siderits (Illinois State University), respondent: Anand Jayprakash Vaidya (San Jose State University)
Christian Coseru (College of Charleston), respondent: Sonam Kachru
Ching Keng (National Chengchi University, Taiwan), respondent: Catherine Prueitt
Jay Garfield (Smith College), respondent: John Dunne
Sunday March 25: 9:30 am to 12:30 pm
John Dunne (University of Wisconsin), respondent: Christian Coseru
Roy Tzohar (Tel Aviv University), respondent: Birgit Kellner
Download the abstracts here.
Event Contact: buddhiststudies@berkeley.edu, 510.643.5104